Bond Beginnings
The Empowering History of the Tennesse State University Collegiate 100 Chapter
The overall concept of the 100 began in New York in 1963 when a group of concerned African American men began to meet to explore ways of improving conditions in their community. These men envisioned an organization that would implement programs designed to improve the quality of life for African Americans and other minorities. Dr. William Hayling, a member of the NY organization, had relocated to Newark, NJ, and sought to replicate the 100's impact in that area. In 1976, Dr. Hayling formed the 100 Black Men of New Jersey. A movement had been born. Chapters were formed in Los Angeles, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, and several other areas across the country. On May 27, 1987, in Atlanta, Georgia, this newly formed organization officially introduced itself to the nation during its first national conference as "100 Black Men of America, Inc."
Dr. James A Hefner
Thomas W. Dortch Jr.
Thomas W. Dortch Jr., became the third National President of 100 Black Men of America, Inc. in 1994. During his tenure, he formed Collegiate 100 to focus the next generation on mentoring.​
Collegiate 100 Black Men of Tennessee State University was chartered on October 10, 1995 under TSU’s President, Dr. James A. Hefner. Since then, it has grown to be the organization we know it as today, one of the most prestigious organizations on the campus of Tennessee State University.